Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Rap Interview

So I am still working on Sub Conscious, all I have to do is the action script like I said before, but two hours ago I sketched up a storyboard for a short video project starring Goonie Barz. An upcoming rap star, who has graced me with his presence and agreed to help with the video project. I couldn't be more pleased, with the outcome, and basically I will give you a better description of what is to be expected. So the video will start off as an interview starring me playing as Lectric Studios reporter Deacon Wallis, I know a very random name but, it just came to me, so I went with it. Basically I will interview Goonie Barz asking him questions like a normal reporter would do, however here is the twist. As Goonie Barz will try to answer i will immediately interrupt him preventing him from answering any questions. After awhile he will get agitated with me and give me a beat down, don't worry it won't be a real one its all staged acting. When I come to my senses he will then drive off in his truck leaving me without a story, which in this case is basically the point behind this project. I wanted to go with a comedic feel to this project. It will most definitely be on my Facebook, WWW., so you can check that in about two weeks. Also I will post to my site which I am still hoping will be up since I do have a deadline and projects just piling up, however I am a trooper so everything should be up with no problems otherwise i will be letting you all know before hand.

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