Friday, March 29, 2013

US History Question game

Played this game that involved US History. I was teamed up with Fabian and Chris, and to be honest I am not good at US History, in fact I failed that class back in high school. Somehow we managed to get many of the questions right with and without the multiple choice. I really did not like this game one bit because it reminded of high school and I have bad memories from that place. So yeah I hope we don't play something like this again otherwise I'm quitting even before we start playing the game. All I could think though was that we have to win, I want to redeem myself and all those bad memories, the only thing going through my head was I must win.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I finally got to play this game Passage, after trying to get my laptop to become compatible so it can play it. When it first loaded up I thought it was going to be interesting and wild, however, there were no controls and I had to figure out what to do which was the first thing to annoy me. Then I realized I had to use one key which is obvious the forward key. The next problem, has to be that there was nothing else involved, and this game basically was what i would call a short story of the main character's life. it was what seemed the longest five minutes of my life. While playing I kept thinking to myself why is my teacher torturing me like this? I could not wait to finish, i could have stopped before going any further but, I needed to continue so at least I could say I finished this dumb game.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Pictionary (modified)

Played a modified version of Pictionary today, came in second place last I remembered. It was fun, didn't annoy me like that last game I played. However, some of the themes I did not know how to draw at all, but I still gave it a chance anyways. I was teamed with Randy on this one and we did pretty well knowing I can't do anything that reminds me of Hangman, etc. All I could think of was how fast can I guess the images drawn. What i didn't understand was why were there so many of those cards that had all teams come up, it was a random play of the game. This was a good game just not exactly what I was looking for so let's hope a later game can be something more of what I'm looking for in fun and excitement. Good try anyways with the whole keeping me entertained situation.


Played this weird tile game where we had to make paths and stay on the board as long as possible. Somehow I manage to lose first turn first round, which was annoying and pissed me off to no end. However, after learning from my mistake managed to stay on the board long enough to the end of the round. The game wasn't fun at first until I understood the concept of it. As tiles were being placed down I kept track of where the paths were leading. this helped me a lot so while others were trying to figure out their moves I managed to get the right tiles I needed in order to stay on a stead straight line. Honestly I'd rather not play this game again or even hear about it, I would rather try doing a crane origami than do this game again.

Thursday, March 14, 2013


Played another story telling game called Dixit. However, this one was different. Instead of writing we basically had use cards and guess who cards is whose. It was like 7-UP because some of the mechanics were the same. I did pretty well; I didn't win but was fair for me. In the back of my head though I got annoyed because I was unable to figure out whose story went with which person. I mean some I got right but, others I could not for some odd reason. At first i honestly felt intimidated because I felt I would not be able to get the mechanics of this game right away, which did kind of happen, however I managed to get it just from playing one round. I can't complain since I managed to get it anyways. I felt the problem was figuring out the historical figures my professor was using, which could have given a great advantage from the start.


So I had to play a game where I'm given a card and I need to write a line or phrase to basically form what seemed like a short story. I thought it was interesting only because, the thought of what people would say. I was a bit annoyed because I unfortunately I couldn't come up with anything funny. The stuff I wrote was either dumb or plain, at least that's what it seemed like to me. I was hoping for something completely different when playing, but it was okay I guess just not preferable for a game i would play next time.

Settlers of Catan

Another strategy game that seemed very old fashioned. It reminded me of a nomad or a farmer, which was odd. There seemed to be too many steps involved in playing this, where you need to build a settlement and gather up points. I don't really like games like this where there are too many steps involved in the mechanics, its too much to remember while at the same time coming up with a strategy and beating your opponent. I was just trying to figure out what I should do, but this didn't last long because I blanked half way through and was lost the rest of the game play. I worried people would notice, luckily no one did and I still managed to get by, not surprising that I lost however, still good to have another game board experience under my belt so I was fine with that. I need to start trying to become more strategic and winning so I can start up a winning streak and brag about it. Doubt that will happen though.


This game reminded me of Labyrinth and Trans america  Using tile pieces to form out a certain image, create a certain path that sort of thing. Which is cool but, Trying to keep track of points and where locations are is a bit much. The cool thing was using the little colored people to represent token pieces, is interesting since we usually use objects like little train, mice, tokens, etc. Just had to take previously played games to get the hang of the mechanics of the game. Still not a fan favorite of mine but, it got the job done in trying to catch my interest. Hopefully we can play a game without using tile puzzle pieces to form a road or strip of land. Games like this make me blank for a while for some odd reason, maybe its the thinking of strategies to win.

1980's Lizard Wizard

I played Lizard Wizard and I honestly thought it was funny. I miss the popular arcade games are the best. Although while playing I didn't know really what to do or really how to play. I didn't remember how to play but I just tested things out and started shooting, I had to kill the green flying dragon thing. Then sirens go off and a blue dragon comes and starts shooting fire at me, which caught me off guard. I lost several times, which annoyed me. For some odd reason I thought of Wreck it Ralph while playing, I than started to blank out and stared at a start screen. I like the music in the background, it was very Dig Dug or Galaga, good stuff.