Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So we played this board game that reminded me a bit of Labyrinth. I didn't like it too much because of the fact I couldn't win at it. Maybe I was the brown piece and the game could possibly be racist  Even though the game was simple it had complex factors, which I picked up on easily. I didn't mind the ending result, but while playing I began to get a little anxious due to the fact I tried to figure out my next moves to push me up, however this wasn't effective enough. Knowing me and David couldn't get more than 3 pieces in a small boat bothered me, so I hope next game I can win, because I don't like losing as much.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Up the River

Played up the river and I have to admit I din't expect the game to be so simple. The funny part about that is even though its so simple, it was a long progressing game. While playing though, I thought to myself one of two things won't happen while playing; we wont win and this game will never end. I played with Ruben and David, luckily David won, so I was a bit glad the game ended. I wasn't a big fan of the whole constant moving the board down but, I guess it worked. It seemed better than playing Get the Glass which for some odd reason I did not like because it just seemed like it was against me. Although it did give the idea to design the game we did but we should have play tested it.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Get the Glass

I just finished fully playing Get the Glass, got the code and answered the question which was May I Please Get The Glass? Epic problem solving, it made sense though wit the game. While Playing the game I felt like the game would be lame and honestly it was a bit weird. Rolling the dice and being able get cards that allow you to move a few extra spaces. The mastermind cards where you can answer questions which I did not know at all but I still managed to get by just had to keep rolling the dice. Then the whole driving the dad's van through a narrow pathway, with a laptop was kind of hard but eventually I realized managed to control. Putting weird flowers in the chicks head to disguise her got me thinking how can this work you just adding flowers to messy hair, a loop hole in the game and putting the flowers on her hair annoyed me because every time I tried adding the flower it wouldn't go on. I didn't like getting caught all the time but luckily escaped and continued the game. While playing the game it reminded of the 3D movie shorts we watch in 3D modeling and animation. The Pixar like movies I watch as a child, creepy, anyways I just wanted to finish the game and at least say I did that, but I'm not sure if I could like the game that much not really interesting enough. Now I want milk.

Domino (Mexican Train)

So I played Dominoes in class today, and honestly I have to admit I love dominoes. I failed miserably in the first round but managed to win the second. I tried to plan out my moves based on what everyone else played. Easy game to play for me yet still kept me on my toes. Thought it was a bit racist though because of the Mexican Train part, but can't complain. I even managed to record a little of the game play which I will upload on my Facebook gaming page. Plus the best part was since I have had my hand in dominoes before picking up on the rules was fairly simple and really needed no explanation at all. Since others were familiar with the game the turns went at a good steady pace and there was a a comfort feeling while playing, the only big thing was the anticipation of what piece everyone else would put down. I had my pieces organized to help limit my numbers down much quicker, luckily I got a good I guess you can call it hand.


Played Trans America  I got to say it was a bit of a weak game. I wasn't too fond of it but did play with a good group of people. I one the first round from what I remember, but we needed to play a quick three rounds and since I win from luck I wanted to use some strategic skill in where I placed my tokens or rail ways. Once it dwindled down to the remaining tracks my adrenaline began to kick in as I hoped people wouldn't be close enough to their locations before me. Sadly i could not win round two or three, but I think I got in the top three, I'm not sure I don't really remember. However there was a point where I would've pulled a sneaky move and be closer to victory, if Ruben didn't call me on it. It was cool though I'm just glad I got the concept of the game. Not a big fan of Trans America though, because there wasn't enough excitement while playing.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Pitch Car

We played a race car track board game called Pitch Car Mini. At first I thought it would be weird but, it seemed very simple with a few rules to make it fun. Apparently the game was like a smaller version of golf or miniature golf, with little tokens to assimilate cars. We played a qualifying race to see what order we would be racing in. Somehow I managed to get to the finish line in three tries, Legendary. Everyone else got like five, six and even nine+ tries to reach the finish line. So we went through our first race and I used epic finger skill to bounce my car to get me closer to the finish line and won the first race, Epic. Second race we went three laps one more than the first. I was losing but, began to realize if I wind up in last I can pick the next track which could play a part in my advantage in winning the next race. However, I did not I came in sixth I believe it was and Andrew R. came in last. So he picked, and when I went I pulled some more insane jumping moves. Wound up coming in first for awhile, however my victory was easily prevented when Bryan flicked his car and it somehow did a crazy bounce and pushed him into first place, and winning the final race. I couldn't believe it, so I went and took second place. At the end though I managed to win the game after adding my score up giving me the lowest which in this case is how you win and since I got the lowest tries for the qualifying wound up winning the game. AWESOME!!!

Friday, February 1, 2013


I played a simple card game with pictures of different beans on them.We played in teams of two and I was with Ruben. I have to admit even after playing I completely blanked on the rules, and my negotiation skills were just terrible, which is why even Ruben had left early, I would've been stuck confused. Slowly I got the hang of it, but was still intimidated in some way I couldn't explain. I guess if I don't understand a game I don't like to feel like I have no clue as to what I'm supposed to do. So Usually going with the wing approach is a good strategy. What surprised me was hoe did Chris and Randy win when they gave away most of their coins. It bugged me because I was hoping to win. Next game trying harder and fully understanding the game to the max can be the best option for next game we play. Playing games are still fun it just annoys me when even explained I blank and have to catch up just to get some sort of an edge.