Thursday, February 14, 2013


Played Trans America  I got to say it was a bit of a weak game. I wasn't too fond of it but did play with a good group of people. I one the first round from what I remember, but we needed to play a quick three rounds and since I win from luck I wanted to use some strategic skill in where I placed my tokens or rail ways. Once it dwindled down to the remaining tracks my adrenaline began to kick in as I hoped people wouldn't be close enough to their locations before me. Sadly i could not win round two or three, but I think I got in the top three, I'm not sure I don't really remember. However there was a point where I would've pulled a sneaky move and be closer to victory, if Ruben didn't call me on it. It was cool though I'm just glad I got the concept of the game. Not a big fan of Trans America though, because there wasn't enough excitement while playing.

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