Thursday, February 14, 2013

Get the Glass

I just finished fully playing Get the Glass, got the code and answered the question which was May I Please Get The Glass? Epic problem solving, it made sense though wit the game. While Playing the game I felt like the game would be lame and honestly it was a bit weird. Rolling the dice and being able get cards that allow you to move a few extra spaces. The mastermind cards where you can answer questions which I did not know at all but I still managed to get by just had to keep rolling the dice. Then the whole driving the dad's van through a narrow pathway, with a laptop was kind of hard but eventually I realized managed to control. Putting weird flowers in the chicks head to disguise her got me thinking how can this work you just adding flowers to messy hair, a loop hole in the game and putting the flowers on her hair annoyed me because every time I tried adding the flower it wouldn't go on. I didn't like getting caught all the time but luckily escaped and continued the game. While playing the game it reminded of the 3D movie shorts we watch in 3D modeling and animation. The Pixar like movies I watch as a child, creepy, anyways I just wanted to finish the game and at least say I did that, but I'm not sure if I could like the game that much not really interesting enough. Now I want milk.

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