Thursday, February 14, 2013

Domino (Mexican Train)

So I played Dominoes in class today, and honestly I have to admit I love dominoes. I failed miserably in the first round but managed to win the second. I tried to plan out my moves based on what everyone else played. Easy game to play for me yet still kept me on my toes. Thought it was a bit racist though because of the Mexican Train part, but can't complain. I even managed to record a little of the game play which I will upload on my Facebook gaming page. Plus the best part was since I have had my hand in dominoes before picking up on the rules was fairly simple and really needed no explanation at all. Since others were familiar with the game the turns went at a good steady pace and there was a a comfort feeling while playing, the only big thing was the anticipation of what piece everyone else would put down. I had my pieces organized to help limit my numbers down much quicker, luckily I got a good I guess you can call it hand.

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