Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Ticket to Ride

This was an okay game, although I really wished I watched the rest of the video for this game. After I started to realize that this game was in a way the same as Trans America. So I began to get the hang of it, although I felt it took too long to get through, the other team finished their game before we did. I think the only entertainment was when Fabian was getting beat on lol. Good times I will not forget. At one point I will admit it felt like I was elementary school again, preferably third grade when my teacher yelled at me just because I couldn't answer a question. Anyways I felt a lot of tension while playing this game, I wasn't even concerned with winning or really understanding what the concept of the game was, but rather how fast can we get this game over with, only because being it's finals week, and I needed to get my finals done.

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