Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Looping Louie

I think this was one of my favorite games we have played. It was simple but it reminded me of Hungry Hungry Hippo for some reason. I liked how we had to get the plane hit the other player's chickens. I really wanted to win, in the back of my head all I could think of was, I must win. I couldn't wait for my turn to come by so I can redeem myself. This game actually gave me an idea for a game for my final, which is good because it saved me loads of time, so I don't need to go crazy and I can completely get everything I need to out of the way. Either way I would rather play this again instead of other games we have played that were either too long or too many rules which annoyed me to no end. I felt I had a good time playing and I really couldn't get the whole winning situation off my head. I wished the game went longer, toward the end it got intense even after people were being eliminated.

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